Nancie King Mertz Lush Coastal Foliage Pastel Set/80


Humid coastal climates produce countless lavish greens and blooms, and these pigments were chosen to create the many subtleties the variety of greens provide.  Greens in shadow and light, in mist and fresh growth all demand a shift in hue and value.  This set focuses on the selection of greens that many sets lack- no jarring greens here, just the true colors found in nature, at different times and conditions of the day.  

Due to strong coastal light, structures often reflect the hues of their surroundings.
Many of the colors here will help  meld structures into the environment, resulting in better color harmony.  Pops of “bloom shades” are included too, when the greens
are putting on a show.

This selection will help you discover the palette of America’s coast, and its
companion, the “ Stunning Skies & Water” set, will round out your collection
of all colors needed for painting life near the water.

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